Psalm 20: “To the Chief Musician. A Psalm of David. May the LORD answer you in the day of trouble; may the name of the God of Jacob defend you; may He send you help from the sanctuary, and strengthen you out of Zion; may He remember all your offerings, and accept your burnt sacrifice. Selah. May He grant you according to your heart's [desire], and fulfill all your purpose. We will rejoice in your salvation, and in the name of our God we will set up [our] banners! May the LORD fulfill all your petitions. Now I know that the LORD saves His anointed; He will answer him from His holy heaven with the saving strength of His right hand. Some [trust] in chariots, and some in horses; but we will remember the name of the LORD our God. They have bowed down and fallen; but we have risen and stand upright. Save, LORD! May the King answer us when we call.”
This episode is one part of a 3-part series. In Part 1, we'll look at Verses 1-3. In Part 2, we'll look at Verses 4-6. Then in Part 3, we'll wrap up with Verses 7-9. So, let's break down Part 1...
The scriptures are filled with names and titles for God. Even though the typical way of referring to God contains three simple letters – G-O-D – the Bible shows that there is a LOT more to God’s name, than just three letters. The Old and New Testaments refer to God differently and even discuss various “names” for God. Even God refers to Himself with different “names.” It’s pretty interesting. So, the question is, what are we supposed to call God? Is His name YAHWEH, Jehovah, Elohim? Is the LORD El Shaddai, El Gabor, or El Elyon? Even Jesus had several titles and names. The Old Testament prophecies said that Jesus was supposed to be called Immanuel; and while the New Testament clearly pointed to Jesus as “Immanuel,” the Bible doesn’t show Jesus ever being called by this name. He’s only called Yeshua, or Jesus. Then, of course, Jesus was also called “the Christ.”
Since the Bible is filled with titles and names to describe who God is, and even to Jesus as God in flesh, it can be confusing. Why does the Bible do that?

Look, it’s important to recognize that “the names of God” describe attributes and characteristics of God. God has many “names,” because each name describes a certain quality and trait about who God is. We're not being told to refer to God by any particular title. God is called so many things because God IS so many things! Psalm 20 uses the phrase “name of God,” three times. Each time, the Bible describes the qualities and traits of God, who He is, what He does, and why He does it. The testimony of Psalm 20:1-3 begins by referring to God’s name as, the One that is faithful to fulfill His eternally unconditional promises, in order to glorify Himself through His people – mainly referring to Israel.
“May the LORD answer you in the day of trouble; may the name of the God of Jacob defend you; may He send you help from the sanctuary, and strengthen you out of Zion; may He remember all your offerings, and accept your burnt sacrifice. Selah”
Psalm 20:1-3, written by King David, begins by referring to “the LORD” as YAHWEH in the original Hebrew language. The Bible calls God “YAHWEH” to emphasize His eternally self-existing and self-sustaining nature as THE Creator and Controller of ALL things in ALL places. This name is also intimately tied to God's relationship with Israel and His covenants with them.
When David wrote, “May the LORD answer you in the day of trouble,” he emphasized God’s power and ability. God is the One we should cry out to in our time of need because of His power and ability. Also notice that God can hear our cries, even though He is so highly exalted. He is willing to listen even though He is superior and exalted above everything He made. How many people can you think of who can see your posts, comments, and text messages and are TRULY willing to listen when you need help? Think about that…
David prayed that the LORD would “answer” His people in a time of need. The word “answer” in the original language is a word that describes someone who would respond as a witness. In other words, David wrote that even though the LORD is highly exalted above all things in heaven and earth, He is a witness for those who cry out to Him. He’s paying attention to us. He’s watching what goes on in the lives of His people. He’s always aware of the trouble we might be in, even BEFORE we cry out to Him. He’s intimately engaged and focused on our lives, waiting for us to humble ourselves when we cry out to Him for help.
God is the One who can see, hear, and address the things that trouble us, especially concerning the circumstances directly related to how we serve Him. This is the context we have to remember when we see what David wrote next:
“May the name of the God of Jacob defend you…”
Notice that the scriptures are REALLY specific when referring to “the LORD.” When reading the English translation, it can be tempting to see the letters L-O-R-D, and move on. But we should remember who we’re talking about when we see the scriptures use this name. The concept of God in the Bible is not arbitrary or abstract. God might have a lot of names, but only to let us know His true identity as the One True Living God. It’s absolutely impossible to confuse YAHWEH, with any other god or idea. NONE of those false gods or philosophies share the same attributes as the God of the Bible.
David described YAHWEH as “the God of Jacob.” This means that “YAHWEH” – the LORD – is the God of Israel. He is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He is the God in charge of King David, who penned this psalm. The Creator and Sustainer of the heavens and the earth, took it upon Himself to uniquely join Himself to the nation of Israel, based on the promises He made to them, beginning with Abraham back in Genesis Chapter 12.
When David wrote that God would defend “you,” he referred to those who are like him – Jewish people – descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Why would the Creator of all things help the Jews, especially when we see how so many people in the world have hated and blamed Israel for so many things, throughout human history?
God made especially unique promises to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He made promises detailing the revelation and manifestation of His glory to the entire world, particularly through His work to forgive sins and revive the souls of His people by His Messiah. God has a special interest in the children of Israel, because of how He set out to use them. God selected Israel as a tool to reveal His nature and majesty. Since He’s the Creator, He can choose any people He wants. He wanted to use Israel – period. Like it or not, this is what it is, and this is what the Bible teaches.
This principle is emphasized in the language that David used here. David said that YAHWEH would “defend” the children of Israel. The original Hebrew word “defend” is a word that is more often translated into the English word “exalt.” When Israel appears to be in trouble, YAHWEH will take it upon Himself to exalt them anyway. He will exercise His sovereign and supreme control to do the impossible to preserve and encourage Israel. God will show His wisdom and transcendent power to overcome the people and forces that want to destroy His purposes and promises for Israel. In other words, God will do whatever it takes to ensure that EVERY promise He ever made to Israel, is fulfilled – regardless of evil intentions within, or outside the nation.
The Book of Revelation, especially in Chapter 12, explains that the devil has a unique hatred for the children of Israel, which is why we’ve seen so much conflict surrounding Israel throughout history. Why does the devil hate THEM so much? It’s because of how God wants to glorify Himself through them. The devil figures that, if God wants to use Israel to glorify Himself, the destruction of Israel messes up and distorts the manifestation of God’s glory. So, the children of Israel have been the targets of EXCEPTIONAL spiritual attacks throughout their history. We’ve seen these attacks manifested through violence and murderous plans, since the beginning. Look at how Israel is treated now and how people who don’t know anything about Israel or Jewish people, hate them. Some of these people even call themselves Christians!

Even though the Jews have taken plenty of severe beatings throughout history, God continues to manifest His character and nature as YAHWEH by preserving them, and also exalting them. With the entire world trying to kill Jews and make the nation go extinct, they’re still there in that tiny portion of land, handling business. How do you think that’s possible?
The world will see this principle manifested in an even MORE profound way after the Great Tribulation. During the Tribulation, the world will persecute Israel like no other time in history, if you can imagine that! But Jesus will return and save them AGAIN. After judging the world and Israel, Jesus will exalt them as the centerpiece and headquarters of His righteous kingdom and government – from Jerusalem. No other nation will have this privilege. These are unique things that God promised He would do through Israel, and Israel only.
Since God made such amazing promises to Israel, David referred to the “name of God” in ways that describe how God will fulfill His eternally unconditional promises to them. God will send help from His sanctuary. This phrase means that YAHWEH will uphold and establish His people from His throne. God will reveal the full extent of His glory as seen in heaven, to do the things He promised He would, for the children of Israel.
The “sanctuary” of God is described using the Hebrew word “qodesh,” which is more frequently translated as “holy” in the Bible. God is holy as YAHWEH, and will manifest the full extent of His holiness to fulfill His promises to His people; just when it seems like the world will utterly destroy them. What does that mean for the rest of us? Check it out: When we look at God’s faithfulness and power towards Israel, it shows how, even though the circumstances of life might seem contrary to God’s purposes, it’s the unique and impeccable holiness of God that ensures the fulfillment of His promises anyway! God has proved this time and time again; with the various ways He’s delivered Israel throughout history. THAT’s the God whose name we should call out to in OUR time of need.
David’s emphasis on God’s focus on Israel is amplified in the next phrase where he wrote,
“And strengthen you out of Zion.”
We should be careful when we see “Zion” in scripture. Many people today use “Zionist” as a derogatory term. Most of those people don’t even know what the word means. The word “Zion” is a word that, not only describes the city of Jerusalem, but specifically the fulfillment of God’s Messianic promises – in AND from Jerusalem. The term Zion refers to the fulfillment of God’s promises to Israel, when Jesus returns as the Messiah, in full glory, to destroy His enemies by destroying Israel’s enemies. It describes the time when Jesus restores the faithful remnant of Israel according to His purposes, and then distributes blessings to the entire world, through Israel, according to His covenant to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Jesus will fulfill this work as Israel’s King. Jesus will govern the entire world from the temple He builds with His own hands in Jerusalem. Jesus will rule over the whole world, this way, from this place, for 1,000 years, according to the covenant He made with King David.

The Hebrew word “Zion” literally means “parched.” It’s a play on words to explain the benefits God will bring for Israel and distribute through them. Currently, Israel is spiritually “parched.” They’re dry, unable to bear fruit – like a lot of the rest of the world that rejects Jesus as the Savior of the world. But, when Jesus returns to set up His kingdom in the Promised Land, Israel won’t be spiritually parched anymore. They’ll have the water of life flowing freely in them, because of Jesus’ glorious presence. This is the way that Israel will be strengthened. This is the way that God will defend Israel and exalt them. This is the ultimate way God reveals the glory of His “name” as YAHWEH.
Lastly, David wrote that God will remember and accept the offerings and sacrifices of His people, because of the work He does – especially at the 2nd Coming. The Bible shows that there were A LOT of seasons throughout Jewish history where God would NOT accept the sacrifices and offerings of the people, because of the sin in their hearts and the evil lifestyles they were living. Even though the people gave sacrifices like the Law said, those offerings and sacrifices were perverse and corrupted in God’s eyes, because of their unfaithfulness and self-righteousness. Still, David assured his people that a day would come in the future when God would receive Israel’s sacrifices and offerings. God will be happy to embrace and consume Israel’s sacrifices like a person eating a great-tasting meal! David’s poetic language in Verse 3 describes God fulfilling His promises. Verse 3 refers to God’s covenant with Phinehas in Numbers Chapter 25. The time will come when God fulfills that promise entirely!
God will remember the offerings of the faithful remnant in Israel. He will remember that they endured the difficult seasons in their history. He will exercise the full extent of His power, wisdom, and glory to restore His people, to enable pure worship. That worship will even include offerings and sacrifices. The restoration, provision, and glory of Jesus as the Messiah, will equip Israel as the world has never seen, so their offerings and sacrifices will be given in gratitude TO Jesus, as YAHWEH in flesh. Those offerings will be received, and consumed by the LORD with enthusiasm and gladness. The language describes the LORD receiving these sacrifices and offerings, like a person who gets fat from good food! Pretty amazing! The presence of God as YAHWEH in flesh – Jesus Christ – will cause this effect in Israel, just like God declares in His Word.
So, God will fulfill His purposes and promises to Israel because of who He is. He is YAHWEH. He will manifest the full extent of His glory a YAHWEH, in the flesh, as Israel’s Messiah, and establish that glory in Jerusalem for 1,000 years so that the whole world will know. At that time, the entire world will know, not just what to call God, but EVERYONE will know who He is – Jesus Christ!
And, THAT’S what the Bible teaches about the One, WE know, as God.